Friday, July 9, 2010

Faith and Renovations

I'll be honest, I like to tick things off my to-do list. It gives me a visual of my accomplishments. I actually do better when there are lots of things on my list rather than a lot of free time. I have lots of things on my list for "when I am free" but they seldom get done because they have not actually been put on my to do right now list. I suppose that is why I don't often sew for myself unless there is an actual occasion. My girls' clothes are on my to do list because they continue to grow even after my threats to put bricks on their heads and stop feeding them. If I don't sew for them, they will eventually be naked and with an 11 year old daughter, that would be traumatic.

Now there are some things that get put on my to do list that I just choose to ignore and pretend they will go away. This would be the case with needing to call the plumber. He has already been out once and much to my dismay, I failed to explain exactly where the hot and cold water lines need to come out of the wall. He split the lines so I could have the much anticipated double sink for the girls but the stubs would come out in the middle of the vanity cabinet shelf. Not exactly the look I was after. I also could not seem to wrap my head around how to schedule him and the tile guy and how they would possibly work around each other. I need the tile guy to remove the tub. I need the plumber to replace the diverter valve before the tile guy puts up the walls. The plumber said he wouldn't replace it until the tub was out because he didn't want the new ones to get broken. With all this uncertainty, I chose to do nothing and pray it would all sort out.

The tile guy called this morning and said he was having a time getting his plumber to find time to put the new tub in and he couldn't do anything until it was installed. Happily, I suggested that if he could still remove the old tub, my plumber could put in the new tub. The new tub will be exiting Monday morning and the new tub will be placed in it's new residence Monday afternoon. I am hopeful that we will have the tub and toilet back by the end of next week. The sink is definitely a few weeks out but the extra toilet upstairs is a really big deal, especially in the middle of the night.

I am convinced that often God wants us to be still and wait. He can do all things and He will if we only give him the chance . Sometimes having faith is the hard choice when all we want to do is tick things off our list.

For dinner tonight...sandwiches on homemade honey whole wheat bread with fresh tomatoes from the Farmer's Market at the Avenues.

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