Sunday, June 6, 2010

VBS: All Hands on Deck

It's that time of year again. Time for Vacation Bible School. I love it as much now as I did the first time I went at the tender age of 12. Yes, I didn't grow up in the church. My family did not attend. I happened upon VBS at the invitation of my neighbor. I ended up going to the church and becoming involved in Youth Council and the youth group. I rode the church bus. You know, the bus that goes around and picks up the elderly that can no longer drive but still attend church every time the door opens. I was the youngest on the bus by a good 60 years or so. We had a common bond though the elderly and myself. We both wanted to go to church but had no drivers license. We both loved the Lord with child like innocence. Mine because I was a child, theirs because they had lived a lifetime of following the Lord and knew for certain that He loved them.

Looking back, I think how amazing that God called me. Scrawny, awkward, bad haircut, crazy eyebrowed, brace face, me. While some may never face persecution for their beliefs, I did. My dad insisted that church was full of hypocrites and self righteous sinners that called themselves Christian. My mom was raised Catholic and saw God as far removed and not a personal relationship. I prayed for their souls and tried to spread the love. I wanted them to feel God's presence like I did, but my dad called Centrifuge my week of brainwashing. I wanted so badly to be that family that went to church together on Sundays. I wanted my parents to host the youth group and be counted among the leadership of the church.

My parents divorced when I was 20. My mom came to the Lord and was baptized the same year I was baptized. I had accepted Jesus at 14, but did not really come to know him until I was 29. My girls are being raised in the church. We always want for our children those things that we did not have. I am so excited about VBS as I am every year. I know that it is important and that we never know who we might touch. It might be a scrawny girl that needs to hear the truth. I hope to ride on that church bus again someday.


  1. I loved your post. I have the fondest memories of VBS and spending time with my Great Aunt Helen who so loved the Lord. I was fortunate to grow up in a Christian home. I have to add that I home schooled my boys for 10 years - through high school graduation. We have an adopted daughter who is now 4 and I hope to home school her if it's the Lord's will.
    Thanks for the sweet post,

  2. I loved your post! Thank you for the reminder of those we may touch during VBS. I too love participating. I remember going as a child, leading as a teen and now leading and bringing my older children to lead with me. My husband and I were blessed to grow up in families of faith that were active in church and are instilling those values in our children now. Our VBS will be in mid July (kids still in school till late June). We will be learning about Moses... Out of Egypt. I will be leading a center on the Ten Commandments. Can't wait!
