With one pair under my belt, I decided I needed a bigger challenge. Looking through my new sock book, I settled on these because they fit the supplies that I have. Additionally, they are just pretty and look very impressive for a beginning knitter. Socks are very logical once you figure out the basics. They are all generally constructed the same way with all the same sections. They are small and easy to transport. I spend about 4-5 hours a week, sitting and waiting for my girls. This is just the project. I could read but then I wouldn't get to chat with my other mom friends. Given the choice I would have a portable sewing studio, but until that purse Hermione had in Harry Potter becomes a reality, I will have to stick to knitting socks.
Unfortunately, the bottom of my bag had begun to look like a game of pick up sticks. It was time to make a knitting roll. Using the scraps laying on my cutting table, I whipped this up in under an hour. I made it 8x12 but my next version will be a touch bigger because some of my needles don't fit. Very simple sewing and perhaps someday, I will make a tutorial.
For dinner tonight: cranberry orange pot roast. A family favorite.
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