I enjoy heirloom sewing because the inside looks as beautiful as the outside. The seams are all beautiful french seams. I love the look of a hand stitched shell edged neck. Even the lace is inserted and the edges are finished so that at a glance, you cannot tell right from wrong sides. I have often put a sleeve in inside out because I did not check carefully.
My girls are too old for much heirloom sewing these days. They have long outgrown the lacey, ruffly dresses of their babyhood. I still love making them and have found a dress to make for my oldest for Easter that will incorporate some heirloom sewing but in a more grown up way. I am excited to return to my first sewing passion. Hopefully I can restrain myself and not make it too much like a doily.
This brings me to my waistband picture above. I was so used to racing through things just to get them done that I was taking shortcuts. When my shortcuts produced a less than stellar product, I was disappointed. My oldest needs new shorts for summer and having no money to buy them, I will be making them. They need to look like all the other kids shorts. I decided to take my time and finish the insides properly. I added some buttonhole elastic so they would be slightly adjustable for her ever changing shape. They turned out beautifully and my time and attention was not in vain...she loves the shorts.